Identifying Selected Oak Trees in Georgia |
Southern Pine Beetle in Georgia |
Nine-banded Armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) |
Number of Trees per Acre By Spacing Distance |
Center for Forest Business Research Note No. 11: Calculating Future Value (FV) of a Single Sum |
Textural Classes Used in the Soils Family |
Tree Anatomy: Periderm (Bark) |
Tree anatomy: Shoots and growth patterns |
A Guide to Thinning Pine Plantations |
Lightning Strike Probability Risks |
Protecting Pollinators (Website) |
Pine Straw Yields and Economic Benefits when added to Traditional Wood Products in Loblolly, Longleaf, and Slash Pine Stands |
Tree anatomy: Leaf shape & form |
Tree Anatomy Manual: Twigs |
Sport Fish Management in Ponds |
Firescaping: Wildfire-Resistant Landscaping in Georgia |
Pond Fertilization and Liming in Georgia |
Spotted Lanternfly: A Potential Threat to Forests and Agriculture in Georgia |
A Guide to Using Imazapyr for Chemical Site Preparation in Southern Pine Plantation Establishment |
Estimating Tree Stem & Branch Weight |
Herbaceous Weed Control Recommendations for Planted Loblolly Pine Sites |
Trumpet Creeper (Campsis radicans) Control Herbicide Options |
Soil Drench Treatment for Hemlock Woolly Adelgid - Using Imidacloprid WSP or 2F |
Eastern White Pine Dieback in the Southern Appalachian Mountains |
Using Chemicals in Pond Management |